I am able to report that Percy caught a rabbit today. Alas, I get ahead of myself... On Friday I took Percy out to an old abandoned rail yard and decided to tempt fate (See this post) and fly him free. He weighed in at 918 so I wasn't looking forward to miracles. So I put on the field jesses and took my chances. I was able to bump a rabbit out rather quickly with him on the glove, but he didn't see it. He repositioned to a tree and was immediately harassed by four crows. I worked hard to put a rabbit in front of him, but the only other one went off in the opposite direction. He didn't even raise a wing at him. I attempted to call him to the fist but at where he was he didn't want any of that action. After beating the brush around him I decided to break out the lure and call it a day. Lure response was immediate which, if I may qoute Marth Stewart, "Is a good thing."
So on today (Sunday) I decided to go out again. He had dropped to 908 and I went to an area where I took a lot of rabbits in the past. I put him up and started beating the brush. I called him to the glove occassionally he did take a dive on something. He started flying to be and landing on the ground. Knowing that he wasn't too low I would call him up (no reward) and put him up again. Finally, we went back to a bamboo patch that looked promising. While we were making our way there he took a couple of dives at a rabbit without any connection. In the bamboo patch he tried again, but missed. We ended up going about 1/2 mile from my truck. It seemed like we both had trained each other because he would get higher and higher perches as I would work towards him. After 3+ hours, a sore knee and a sweat soaked stocking hat I decide to walk a creek bottom that he had been sitting on for 15 minutes. I beat brush all around the creek bottom but finally decide to go down. As I was climbing up a small drop off where a feeder empties into the larger creek I hear ringing of the tell-tale bells and look to see him in a dedicated plunge and then I hear it. Rabbit number 1 in the bag only 16 days after trapping. I give him carte blanche and allow him to eat to his hearts' content knowing that I would not be able to hunt tomorrow. "We" both still need a little work. Primarily on calming down (he screams when I am helping him out) and staying focused. Today he has a very full belly and some good vibrations going on. Hopefully he will continue to catch on and understand the name of the game.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
First Catch
Cast by Chet at 12:53 PM