After a great training day with Percy yesterday today was anything but stellar. Yesterday and today, prior to training, I entertained the thought of slipping the creance and free flying by the weekend. PROBABLY NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Yesterday his response was great with little effort. Today not so much. I do think there are several factors against me so I will re-evaluate daily but am seriously doubting that self-imposed deadline. The night before last it got cold and I left my scale in the truck so I was not able to get an accurate weight. Today he was at 910 grams and it was brutal. The wind was a little gusty and the sun was shining so I can fault that as well and my own ignorance (there is plenty of that). I look at it as having to take advantage of when I could with time being so limited. The good news is that the lure finally came today. Immediate response. The bad news is that after a horrible start and middle the ends didn't justify the means.
On the kestrel front Ernie was started on Flagyl yesterday. She is still pretty weak and shaky, but I am providing extra feeding. She was able to take in some sunlight this morning since I went into work a little late. I will attempt to get her to fly when she is a little steadier. When I thought she was dying I cut off her anklets (to provide for some comfort). Today I replaced them without issue.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
One Step Forward - Two Steps Back
Cast by Chet at 4:13 PM