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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Weather - it is for good or bad!

Note on this photograph: Although this is a red tail hawk it lacks a red tail. First year or passage red-tail hawks have brown tails with darker horizontal bands. After their first molt these brown tail feathers will be replaced by the crimson or red feathers that are commonly observed on maure red tails where the name Red-Tail Hawk come from. Read the WIKI here.

No hunting today for us. Although I did take the time to explain to my kids that there will be times when we all will go out hunting and what could happen if the bird catches a rabbit. I explained that hawks need to eat rabbits, mice and other animals to survive and I gave them the option of going or not. The five year old said that she would go, but would like to sit in the truck. The three year old was in. Nevertheless, various conditions prevent us from going out. So I decided to allow for some weathering, bath and kid time in the yard. Which, combined with the lighting and the fact that my wife found the charger for my "almost indestructible" Olympus Stylus 1030 SW camera made for the attached photographs. Since I am dropping names of sponsors (yeah, right) I would like to mention Filson (links broken on purpose - I need written permission to link to their site) you can always go to to look at their wears. I had a Filson "Original Hunting Vest" that I lost in the house fire. To those that don't know in 2005 my family lost almost everything in a house fire. We were able to save some photographs. We lost almost everything. The blessing was that no body got hurt, but it was bittersweet as we lost our family rat terrier "Maggie". Alas, I digress... My Original Hunting Vest was replaced with a Filson "Tin Cloth Game Bag". While the Game Bag is a great product, the Hunting Vest is the cat's meow. Just enough pockets for a falconer (which the Game Bag lacks) the Hunting Vest is the ultimate falconers vest. So if any of you readers have any connections at Filson or "corporate friends"- I would gladly advertise their product on my hunting adventures in exchange for the excellent Filson - Original Hunting Vest.

Yesterday (December 12, 2008), we went out to a local out of the way lot. Percy, despite the cool weather, is still "rabbit heavy". Which is good, in a way. We did try but after three perfect slips and refusals by the hawk it was lure time and pack it up. Two of the three slips were unique because it was a fenced in area and the rabbits had to go right under him in order to get out. He didn't even lean toward the rabbits. It may be until Tuesday until I can hunt again with the weather forecast.