I am finally able to start another falconry journey. After three kids, a fire that destroyed all my equipment and at least five years I am finally able to resume my passion. I have a new double chamber mews that is in the final stages of being built. In Iowa the falconry trapping season begins September 15th. So I am approaching 60 days behind schedule. Previously I was bird in hand on October 1st. On Monday my nephews and I went out to catch some pigeons. One nephew called it a redneck adventure.
Today I went out for a couple hours. A cold front in heading in with the possibility of snow. I was hoping the front would push passage birds my way. The unfortunate thing is wind was a factor. So I drove 62 miles simply wasting time. I hope to hit the trail for a couple hours in the morning to see what I can see. I also found myself unprepared with appropriate traps. I spent too much time building small bird traps. I also picked up Trapping Essentials: An Illustrated Guide to Trapping Raptors by Ben Woodruff a couple days ago. I highly recommend this book to beginning or mid-level falconers.
On the lighter side I picked up a couple gerbils to use as bait. My kids wanted to see them very bad. My oldest girl (middle child) was hysterically scared. My son (oldest) put his hand out for the gerbil to crawl on - unfortunately the gerbil had other ideas and latched onto his hand. I did all I could do to get it off. Finally it released my poor son and fell to the floor. With two of three kids and my wife freaking out I put the grabs on the gerbil and escorted it out the door. My son said I apologized to him at least 50 times.
Depending on the conditions I may try again for tomorrow. I have a busy afternoon so time will be limited. Unfortunately I am scheduled to work Saturday. If the weather works and/or if construction is planned I may take Saturday off. Sunday sounds like the best weather day. Hopefully I didn't miss the window. According to HawkCount - Duluth "pickins are slim".
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Late Start '08
Cast by Chet at 8:48 PM